EVA and POE in the Photovoltaic Market Overview

The global photovoltaic (PV) market is expanding rapidly, driven by increasing demand for renewable energy, technological advancements, and policy support for clean energy. As solar module technology continues to evolve, the materials used in their production play a crucial role in enhancing efficiency, durability, and overall performance. Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) and polyolefin elastomer (POE) are two of the most significant encapsulants used in PV modules. This article explores the roles of EVA and POE in the photovoltaic market, comparing their properties and impact on solar module performance.

EVA: The Traditional Encapsulant for PV Modules

Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) has been the dominant encapsulant material in the PV industry for decades. It is a copolymer of ethylene and vinyl acetate, known for its flexibility, transparency, and adhesive properties, making it ideal for encapsulating the solar cells within the module. EVA acts as a protective layer between the glass and the solar cells, ensuring the structural integrity of the module while protecting it from environmental stressors like moisture, temperature variations, and mechanical wear.

Advantages of EVA in PV Modules:


Cost-Effectiveness: EVA is relatively inexpensive compared to other encapsulant materials, making it a preferred choice for manufacturers seeking to reduce production costs.


Good Optical Properties: EVA has high transparency, allowing for effective light transmission to the solar cells, which is essential for maximizing energy output.


Wide Application: Due to its proven track record, EVA is widely used across different types of solar modules, from polycrystalline to monocrystalline modules.

Limitations of EVA:

Despite its widespread use, EVA has some drawbacks that have led to the search for alternative materials like POE. These limitations include:


Yellowing: Over time, EVA can yellow when exposed to UV light, reducing its transparency and, consequently, the efficiency of the solar module.


Degradation: EVA tends to degrade more quickly than other encapsulants, particularly in harsh environmental conditions like high humidity and extreme temperatures.


Potential for Corrosion: EVA may release acetic acid when it degrades, which can cause corrosion of the solar cells and other components within the module.

POE: A Rising Star in Solar Module Encapsulation

Polyolefin elastomer (POE) is an alternative encapsulant that has been gaining traction in the PV market due to its superior performance in specific areas. POE is a thermoplastic elastomer made from polyolefin, offering better resistance to environmental degradation and improved long-term stability compared to EVA.

Advantages of POE in PV Modules:


UV Resistance: One of POE’s most significant advantages over EVA is its resistance to UV light. POE does not yellow as EVA does, ensuring better light transmission over the module’s lifespan.


Low Water Vapor Permeability: POE provides better protection against moisture ingress, which is crucial for solar modules in humid or coastal environments. Reduced moisture penetration enhances the durability and performance of the modules.


Better Electrical Insulation: POE offers superior electrical insulation properties compared to EVA, reducing the risk of potential-induced degradation (PID), a phenomenon that can affect solar cell efficiency.


Enhanced Durability: POE’s resistance to thermal aging and degradation makes it an excellent choice for regions with extreme temperature variations, ensuring the longevity of solar modules in harsh climates.

Limitations of POE:

While POE offers several advantages, it also has some challenges:


Higher Cost: POE is generally more expensive than EVA, which can increase the overall cost of solar module production. However, the long-term performance benefits of POE may offset the initial investment.


Processing Challenges: POE requires specific processing conditions, which can complicate the manufacturing process for companies that have traditionally used EVA.

EVA vs. POE: A Comparative Analysis







UV Resistance



Water Vapor Permeability

Higher (more permeable)

Lower (better moisture protection)

Light Transmission

High initially, but declines over time (yellowing)

Stable over time



High (better for extreme conditions)

Electrical Insulation


Superior (reduces risk of PID)

EVA is favored in regions with milder climates and where cost is a significant factor, while POE is becoming the preferred encapsulant in regions with harsh environmental conditions or where long-term module efficiency is a priority. The choice between EVA and POE often depends on the specific needs of the solar project, including budget constraints, environmental factors, and expected module lifespan.

Market Trends: The Growing Role of POE

As the photovoltaic market continues to mature, the demand for more durable, efficient, and long-lasting solar modules is increasing. This shift is driving the adoption of advanced materials like POE, especially in high-performance modules designed for utility-scale solar farms and installations in extreme environments.

According to recent market trends, the demand for POE encapsulants is expected to grow at a faster rate compared to EVA, driven by the need for higher energy yields and longer module lifespans. However, EVA will continue to dominate the market in cost-sensitive applications and regions with less demanding environmental conditions.


Both EVA and POE play critical roles in the photovoltaic market, each offering unique advantages depending on the application. While EVA remains the go-to material for many manufacturers due to its cost-effectiveness and established presence in the market, POE is gaining ground as a superior alternative for long-term performance and durability. As the solar industry continues to innovate, the balance between EVA and POE in the PV encapsulation market will likely shift toward materials that provide the best combination of efficiency, durability, and cost, driving the evolution of solar technology forward.