Understand the car gps locator inside and out, functional performance, of course, the most important factor that affects people to buy or not to buy is the cost. Many people are not particularly aware of the cost of a car gps locator. Next, we will take you to understand how the magnetic tracker for car is charged?

As mentioned in the previous article, a complete magnetic tracker for car includes a GPS location terminal, a SIM card with a network, and a platform. Therefore, when we buy a GPS locator, we can not only see the price of the hardware equipment, but also pay attention to the other two aspects of the cost. Let me talk about it in detail:

First, GPS hardware equipment price

Car gps locators on the market can be divided into wireless gps locators. Wired gps locator and OBD locator, the price of each device is different. In general, the price of gps locator is between one hundred and five hundred, the function is different and the price is different, so in the choice, we have to judge which device is their own choice according to demand.

2. GPS platform costs

In addition to the cost of the equipment itself, there are platform fees and data card fees.

Platform cost means that in the process of using the gps locator, we can land on the platform at any time to check the position of the vehicle, and we can set electronic fences or control commands through the platform, which can realize the remote control of the vehicle to cut off oil and power. These data servers are maintained and managed by special personnel, so they need to pay certain fees in the process of use. Generally, the cost of this platform is calculated annually, but the specific cost, different companies, the fee standard will be different.

Third, data card fees.

The use of GPS locator requires the use of a traffic card, which is used to transmit data. Data card is divided into three types: data card, iot card and SIM card. Traffic card, as the name suggests, is only to provide traffic card, but with the increasing market demand, the traffic card has increased the function of three short messages per month, and does not have the call function. Internet of Things card, generally purchased with the device, because the price is cheap, so the Internet of Things card has become the primary choice of gps locator traffic card, generally only need 5 yuan per month traffic package costs can be. SIM card is the card used by our usual mobile phones, the cost is generally relatively high, with traffic and call functions. Now many GPS locator manufacturers will give priority to the use of iot cards. The amount of traffic used by the GPS locator in a month is very small, so the cost is not high.

magnetic tracker for car https://www.eelinktracker.com/Magnetic-GPS-Tracker/