In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the rise and implementation of hybrid cloud computing solutions have become pivotal in reshaping the future of IT infrastructure. As large-scale businesses strive to increase efficiency, reduce latency, and enhance stability, IT professionals adopt this dynamic technology. Cloud technologists believe hybrid clouds may be better for operational efficiency, security, faster application development, improved business insights, and better resiliency.
Let’s take a closer look by understanding the hybrid cloud with a few examples, its key benefits, and its importance in implementing a hybrid cloud in businesses.

1. What are Hybrid Cloud?

A hybrid cloud is an amalgamation of different cloud computing environments, like public cloud and private cloud infrastructure, which helps organizations compute, network, and store resources in various cloud worlds according to their needs. IT professionals define hybrid cloud computing as flexible as it helps businesses have the autonomy to choose where the data can reside based on performance, compliance requirements, and security.

Let’s take a look at a few examples of where hybrid cloud computing can be implemented:


Several examples emphasize the versatility of implementing hybrid cloud computing in business. For example, a healthcare organization can securely store its patient records and other confidential reports on its private cloud while using the public cloud for hosting websites. Similar to e-commerce companies, utilize a hybrid cloud model to handle peak traffic during holiday sales without compromising customer data security.

Furthermore, the adoption of a hybrid cloud model fosters innovation, which empowers organizations by leveraging legacy systems and modern technologies. Here are some best practices that will help businesses adopt this cloud model:

2. Best Practices for Hybrid Cloud Adoption

2.1. Comprehensive Cloud Strategy

Businesses should develop a comprehensive hybrid cloud strategy that aligns with their business objectives which encompass workload assessment, cloud provider selection, compliance measures, data management, and security protocols. 

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2.2. Robust Governance and Monitoring

Implementing robust governance frameworks and a continuous monitoring process is crucial, which includes tracking resource usage, ensuring compliance, managing costs, and enforcing security policies across all cloud environments.

2.3. Employee Training and Skill Development

The successful adoption of the hybrid cloud model requires a skilled workforce qualified to manage complex cloud infrastructure. So organizations should invest in training employees and enroll them in skill development programs to equip them with the necessary expertise in the hybrid cloud model.

After understanding the best practices for adopting a hybrid cloud, we will take a quick glimpse at a case study and understand how a hybrid cloud will help organizations in the coming years.

3. Hybrid Cloud Case Study: AWS and Kellogg’s

One of the most prestigious food brands in the world, Kellogg’s, enhanced its business results with an AWS-based hybrid solution that affordably utilizes the enormous processing power of the public cloud while maintaining sensitive data in the corporate data center. So, Kellogg’s moved to the SAP Accelerated Trade Promotion Management (TPM) solution, which is driven by the SAP HANA in-memory database management system, after realizing that its previous solution was insufficient to handle the enormous volumes of real-time data the firm was gathering. They looked to AWS for a hybrid solution that would maintain their ERP backend and sensitive production database on-premises while instantly using the speed, performance, and agility of the cloud without requiring large CAPEX expenditures.

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