Lucy, as a Solution Lead – Manager and leader for SHL, please tell us how you perceive the ongoing global discussions around AI regulation, given its impact on technology and organizations.

I’m encouraged that the world is taking AI regulation seriously. We are seeing policy makers, businesses and societies coming together to discuss this transformative technology and the risks that it can pose. However, we are at a very early stage of this discussion and there is much more to be done. When it comes to HR and specifically people assessment, any LLM based model must be handled with great care to ensure that it is learning from representative and appropriate content.

The Occupational Psychology community has come together to tackle this topic. In doing so, we will make greater advances, sharing knowledge and learning on a technology that has taken the world by storm.

At SHL, we have our dedicated SHL Labs – a powerhouse of innovation with $30 million investment. SHL Labs is made up of I/O Psychologists and AI Specialists who are dedicated to advancing innovation, within ethical and regulatory parameters. So, when it comes to AI, I believe that SHL will be at the forefront of innovation and our clients can feel reassured that SHL will continue to bring science, technology and best practice to talent acquisition and talent management.

How has the prominence of AI in 2023 shaped your perspective on technology, especially considering the lack of regulation?

In many ways I’ve seen ‘AI’ as a buzzword in 2023 with few people truly understanding the mechanics, implications, and potential of the technology. In such a context, it can be overwhelming and confusing, and I see that in my clients’ questions. I want to change that narrative so that we, as an industry can embrace AI and the incredible value it can bring to HR. In real terms, business has not made great leap forwards when it comes to productivity in the last 20 years, with the exception of manufacturing. AI is the great leap forward that we’ve been waiting for.

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